Using a channel value to set off Trigger CHOP (if-else statement equivalent)

I’m wondering how to set off the trigger CHOP every time the input value is equal to 1. I want the trigger CHOP to ignore whether the value is increasing or decreasing. I just need it to pulse each time the input is equal to 1. Is this possible with the Trigger CHOP or should I add/use another node? Thank you in advance!

You can adjust when the trigger CHOP fires by adjusting the Trigger Threshold parameter:

If it needs to happen regardless of increasing or decreasing value,you could try a logic chop set to off if outside bounds, and create a range of say .99 to 1.01.

Obviously this range could be tighter or wider, or offset, e.g. 1-1.02; the idea is that you’d want it wide enough so that it still triggers if the value is moving too quickly to be cooking during the frame where it’s equal to exactly 1

Thank you! I ended up using two trigger CHOPs to capture the increasing and decreasing conditions, and combining them both into a logic CHOP – which is working well.