Using Companion via OSC to control TD Animation

I found this OSC with Stream Deck through Bitfocus Companion - Techniques - TouchDesigner forum (

Thanks to @cuetheFog1! I was able to communicate back and forth with Touch and Companion 3.3.1+7001. Though didn’t use the old ‘Deprecated OSC API’ that cuetheFog used, in Companion Settings > OSC I kept this disabled. … so the messages were using the current command syntax instead.

The feedback also worked, changing of the bgcolor of the buttons from Touchdesigner.

To summarize, OSC Out DAT is used to send commands from Touch. And a OSC IN CHOP was used to receive from Touchdesigner. Sending OSC strings from Companion I have yet to achieve though I suspect I’d need to get a OSC In DAT working for this.

Re: monitoring OSC messages:
I came across Protokol which I thought would be a great addition while i was debuging and troubleshooting OSC connectivity/commands, plus it’s free! mac and windows! Keep in mind your Ports can only be used once of course, Protokol can’t listen to the same port that you’re using to listen on, while Companion is listening to it. I missed this detail, I thought Protokol wasn’t working or was glitching. So just toggle between enabling Protokol or whatever platform you’re sending messages to.