Hello to all friends
I have been familiar with Touchdesigner software for almost two weeks and I am still not very familiar with the software environment
I was going to make a detailed sound analyzer by GLSL, but as you know we can’t directly connect an ‘Audio’ CHOP to a ‘GLSL’ TOP
The easiest way to achieve a simple version of this is to convert the ‘Audio File In’ CHOP into a texture.
I almost managed to simulate this, but the problem is that I feel that the output is not very accurate and the analyzer does not work very well.
I will be happy if you guys help us to get closer to an accurate analyzer in GLSL
Unfortunately, no matter what I did, I could not upload the file link If any of your friends need the file, tell them so that I can send it to them separately
Link File : Audio_071017.zip - Google Drive
the glsl code is looking for an actual spectrum which you could either get into the GLSL TOP as an Array using the CHOP or convert the Audiospectrum CHOP to a TOP using a CHOP To TOP and use it as an node input. The code in the shader is only referencing a single line, so a single row texture, single channel texture is all that is needed:
Thank you for your explanation
Can I just have your file? Because I am still not very familiar with touchdesigner
here you go. Just wondering where you got stuck when trying to recreate?
Audio.19.toe (25.1 KB)