Using GLSL to generate audio analyzers

Hello to all friends
I have been familiar with Touchdesigner software for almost two weeks and I am still not very familiar with the software environment
I was going to make a detailed sound analyzer by GLSL, but as you know we can’t directly connect an ‘Audio’ CHOP to a ‘GLSL’ TOP
The easiest way to achieve a simple version of this is to convert the ‘Audio File In’ CHOP into a texture.
I almost managed to simulate this, but the problem is that I feel that the output is not very accurate and the analyzer does not work very well.
I will be happy if you guys help us to get closer to an accurate analyzer in GLSL
Unfortunately, no matter what I did, I could not upload the file link If any of your friends need the file, tell them so that I can send it to them separately

Link File : - Google Drive

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

the glsl code is looking for an actual spectrum which you could either get into the GLSL TOP as an Array using the CHOP or convert the Audiospectrum CHOP to a TOP using a CHOP To TOP and use it as an node input. The code in the shader is only referencing a single line, so a single row texture, single channel texture is all that is needed:


Thank you for your explanation
Can I just have your file? Because I am still not very familiar with touchdesigner

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

here you go. Just wondering where you got stuck when trying to recreate?

Audio.19.toe (25.1 KB)

I made the previous file based on a tutorial.

I’m just a programmer and shader designer. Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with the TD program environment.

Thank you so much :pray: