Using Info on input of COMP

I have an Audio File In CHOP connected to the input of a Base COMP. Inside the COMP, I want to use an Info CHOP to retrieve information about the Audio File In.

Using parent().inputs[0] I can easily retrieve a reference to the Audio File In. However, I cannot use that expression inside the Info CHOP as it expects a simple string. How can I dynamically specify the CHOP to retrieve the info from?


There are several ways to do that.

in the info CHOP inside your Base, expand the Operator field using the plus button or by clicking on it, select ‘expression’ and type op(‘…/audiofilein1’). This is usually the syntax I use for consistency in my programming.

otherwise you could split the pane in two, get inside the Base on one side of the pane, and drag and drop the audio file in CHOP onto the info CHOP

I hope that helps!!

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Yes, of course!

I’m fairly new to TD and forgot that the field could be expanded to accept an expression. Beginner’s mistake.

Works perfect! Thank you so much for taking the time to help.


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