Using RayTK to map LED cube

The Physical:
So I’ve built a cube with 12v ws2811 seed pixels. It is 36 strings hanging vertically in a 6x6 grid with 81 RGB leds on each string. I have a Falcon F16V4 pixel controller to drive all this, and I’m using power injection to get enough juice to the rig. Each output on the Falcon will drive 6 strings of 81 pixels. Two strings of 81 rgb pixels is 486 channels of dmx, so two strings will fit on one universe of dmx. Three universes per output times six makes 18 universes total.

The Digital:
In looking at easy ways to create volumetric content for this 3d pixel matrix, I came across this: Easy way to use 3d geometry to make stuff for a grid of points. I made a 6x6x81 grid, and followed the steps here.

The Question:
Now how do I take the rgb data from each point and get it into the correct channel format to send to the DMX Out chop and get it in the correct universes and dmx channels? I have a TOP to CHOP after the pointRender, but I’m not sure how to set it up exactly. The toe file is like 9MB so too big to attach here, but here’s some photos:

Any help greatly appreciated.

Ok, so I’ve realized a few things. A simple box SOP won’t put the points in the correct order, so a line SOP with 81 points copied twice with a little transform to get everything in the right place.

Now I have my pointRender feeding a TOP to CHOP with the SOP to CHOP from the box feeding that.

Then a shuffle CHOP set to sequence all channels, after that a shuffle CHOP sequence all samples every 36 channels.
This gives me 36 channels with 243 samples each. 81 pixels xRGB = 243
Feed that into the DMX Out and now I guess I need to setup a routing table to get it addressed properly for artnet?