uv of a panel while mouse still down from prev panel select?

I have 2 small panels in a larger one. On LMB-mousedown on one of the small panels, I need to get that panel’s panelx,y. No problem. Now, when “exiting” that panel (while the mouse is still clicked) I need the uv panelvalues of the background panel. But as the mouse is still clicked, they are not reported. Is there any workaround?

Not that I know of. But I think you could determine what the uv of the background panel if you know the uv on the small panel and you know that small panel’s location and size with respect to the background panel. Its not pretty, but mathematically it should work.

that should work. thanks ben.

FYI, found this workaround:
in an offtoon select script, set the paneldisplay of the selected panel to 0, then run another (delayed) script to set paneldisplay back to 1.

If gadget slider1 is in container1, as you click and drag in/around slider1, you can get the mouse u and v within container1 via container1’s “insideu” and “insidev” panel values, which are updated no matter what you are doing in container1.

you can also use the panelmouse expression to get the u & v rather than calculating it manually…
