Is it just me or is $V broken? I just have a table with 1 in it and my evaluate has $V*60 in the formula and I’m getting 1 as a response. The evaluate DAT seems to be working fine for anything else though, its just $V that it ignores?
EDIT: Actually it works fine in a new .toe, what I think might be the problem is having component time and modifying the time COMP breaks the evaluate DAT, is there any logic behind that or is it actually a bug?
Also sometimes when laying down tables there seems to be a bug where the field vanishes just after laying down the op. This also sometimes seems to happen when the tabdelete command followed by a tabinsert command is used and is completely inconsistent so I can’t replicate it It might just be a display issue with my gfx drivers, if I can recreate I will send a .toe through.