Value ladder staying on the parameters

I am using a MacBook Pro M1 with a 64 bit 2023.11290 TD on Non commercial license.

I have been trying to learn TD and using it for the past one year. I have been encountering this issue all along the way, I thought it was me doing something wrong. But now that I have some control over the software, I would like to report this issue regarding the Value ladder.

If I bring up the value ladder of any parameter in the Parameter window, it stays on the parameters. Trying to attach the images to make some sense. In the below screenshot, I am trying to move just the y Translate, but it shows all the parameters. And also, it doesn’t go from the front of the parameters.

I majorly feels that it happens in the Components operators, but I am not sure as sometimes it does happen with Chops as well.

I have to press the middle mouse click on different parameters till all of them have the value ladder and then suddenly it goes.

I hope I have been able to explain my issue, I have checked everywhere for help and cannot find a solution to this issue.

Please help! Thanks!

Hi @shubhamkbhatia,

could you try testing if our latest release available from our home page fixes the issue for you?
Are you working on multiple screens or are there any other things in your hardware setup that might be worth mentioning?


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Hello @snaut,

Thank you so much for replying. So glad to hear back from you.

I think the updating solved the issue. Could have been issue with that version, I’ll use TD for some more days and confirm if the issue occurs again.
Incase it matters, No, I was not using any additional screen, just the one screen of the laptop. Nothing special with the hardware too, just the basic.

Anyway, thank you so much for helping out.


Hello @snaut ,

Unfortunately, the issue still exists. It’s a little more persistent this time. As the value ladder doesn’t go till I click the Middle mouse button in some other parameters in the parameter window(Generally 3-4 clicks it takes to disappear) So, even to change the value manually, I need to first make sure the value ladder has disappeared otherwise I am unable to change the value.

Also, if I leave the operator and come back again to it, the value ladder is shown and I need to again middle mouse click 3-4 times in random parameters to make it go.

Hope I am able to explain the problem.


I found a way to clear this problem. I have had the same issue. As long as the problem is on an operator that has multiple pages with value ladders, click another parameter page of that operator. Then middle click like you are going to change the parameter. Go back to the original problem. parameter, it was gone for me.
This may still be an unresolved issue for operators with only a single parameter page, but I was using a container, when my problem showed up. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah that’s how I have been working out of TD for the last year. But now it sometimes gets stuck if the it has a lot going on. Sometimes it gets too much of middle mouse clicks to get it off.

Hope we find solution!