VideoIn TOP - unable to export to "cameras" parameter


I tried to create a control panel where a user is allowed to choose different webcams.

However, I can’t export indexes to the parameter “cameras” of the VideoIn TOP to allow me to choose the desired camera. (ie. 0 = first camera, 1= second camera, etc)
Not too sure if this is a bug or intended feature, but theoretically, I should be able to do this export.

Attached is a simple toe file explaining it.

Imran Nabhan
videoin_cameraparameter.toe (8.61 KB)

Hey Imran,

for now you can use a DAT and export from there to the Videoin TOP:

the table dat needs the columns:

path parameter value enable

in your case the second row would be something like:

videoin1 cameras `tab("droplist/out1",0,1)` 1
