Viewer button -- any way to change a container's 'Ctn' abbreviation?

Is there a way to change the abbreviation of a container from ‘Ctn’ to something custom per node? Or from another angle, is there a way to have the node show a simple text TOP that is different from what the node ultimately displays in perform mode?

for bases you can define a op-viewer parameter. The default here is ./out1,
for containers you can also change the background parameter to something differrent. Just keep in mind that this will be displayed if you use the container in a UI-Way. But its indipendent of the actual output-connector.

Yeah, I have lots of containers which are all part of the visuals and thus a Background TOP overrides their contents. The Base COMP’s approach seems like the right idea, though.

I often use a Text DAT as background operator for a Base COMP. Use this to write version info and some details . Added bonus is your can write in the DAT when activating the Base COMP viewers panel.

Edit:sorry this popped up in my feed didn’t realize it was an old thread

Does anyone know of a list somewhere inside TouchDesigner that lists all of the Operator Abbreviations?

What I want to achieve is a table something like the following, that also has a column for operator abbreviations.



You can use the .icon member.
Works on either a specific operator, or the operator class:

python >>> waveCHOP.icon

For a list of all operators, look at the families dictionary:

python >>> [x.icon for x in families[‘CHOP’]]
[‘Abl’, ‘Ana’, ‘Ang’, ‘Atr’, ‘aDI’, ‘ADy’, ‘aFi’, ‘aSI’, ‘aSO’, ‘aBQ’, ‘Bet’, ‘Bnd’, ‘Ble’, ‘BTr’, ‘Clk’, ‘Cmp’, ‘Con’, ‘Cpy’, ‘Cnt’, ‘Crs’, ‘Ccl’, ‘DTo’, ‘Dly’, ‘Del’, ‘DMI’, ‘DMO’, ‘Env’, ‘EDr’, ‘Evt’, ‘Exp’, ‘Ext’, ‘FcT’, ‘Fan’, ‘Fbk’, ‘FiI’, ‘FiO’, ‘Ftr’, ‘Frd’, ‘FdO’, ‘Fnc’, ‘Gst’, ‘Hel’, ‘Hog’, ‘Hld’, ‘In’, ‘Inf’, ‘Itr’, ‘Joi’, ‘Kin’, ‘Lag’, ‘LpM’, ‘LFO’, ‘Lmt’, ‘Lgc’, ‘Lkp’, ‘LtI’, ‘LtO’, ‘Mth’, ‘Mer’, ‘MDI’, ‘MDM’, ‘MDO’, ‘NNI’, ‘Ncm’, ‘Noi’, ‘Nul’, ‘OcR’, ‘OVR’, ‘aOs’, ‘Out’, ‘Ovd’, ‘Par’, ‘aPQ’, ‘Ptt’, ‘Pfm’, ‘Phr’, ‘PiI’, ‘PiO’, ‘Pls’, ‘RSn’, ‘Rec’, ‘Rnm’, ‘RSI’, ‘Reo’, ‘Rpl’, ‘Rsm’, ‘LeR’, ‘Scp’, ‘SCr’, ‘Sel’, ‘Seq’, ‘SMI’, ‘SMO’, ‘Shf’, ‘Shu’, ‘Slp’, ‘Srt’, ‘Spl’, ‘aSp’, ‘Spd’, ‘Spr’, ‘Str’, ‘Sty’, ‘StO’, ‘Swi’, ‘Tmr’, ‘Tml’, ‘Tsl’, ‘Trl’, ‘Tra’, ‘XYZ’, ‘Trg’, ‘Trm’, ‘Wrp’, ‘Wav’, ‘ZED’, ‘aFI’, ‘aFO’, ‘aDO’, ‘aPl’, ‘BTx’, ‘BuS’, ‘Joy’, ‘Tbl’, ‘CPP’, ‘aMo’, ‘aWR’, ‘Clp’, ‘ClB’, ‘Hdl’, ‘ImS’, ‘Hky’, ‘IvC’, ‘IvK’, ‘KbI’, ‘Kfr’, ‘KnA’, ‘MsI’, ‘Lsr’, ‘Mso’, ‘Obj’, ‘OSI’, ‘OSO’, ‘Pan’, ‘Pgn’, ‘PSN’, ‘RnK’, ‘Srl’, ‘STo’, ‘SyI’, ‘SyO’, ‘TTO’, ‘TIn’, ‘TOu’, ‘OcA’, ‘aRn’, ‘aBn’, ‘aND’, ‘VST’]


Thank you very much!

This is why!

TouchDesigner Game! Munchy Munchers (MECC classic remake) - YouTube

Thanks again.

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