I’m really struggling with Touch’s viewer. One of the issues I constantly deal with is the trying to use the interactive viewers to deal with small objects. I’m constantly finding the clipping planes seem to be based on world units instead of object size. I really miss the intuitive and robust Houdini defcams.
Anyway, I’ve attached a file to show you what I mean. If you open the default viewer for the big_geo, it works well. The small_geo viewer is basically worthless. If you try to approach the object, the camera clips it well before it get beyond %25 of the screen. I’ve tried twiddling the camera clip planes, but I haven’t had much luck.
if you hit p inside the active viewer of the small_geo Comp then you get the Display Options for the viewer and i found that setting the “Near Clipping Plane” on the Culling page to 0.001, I can fill the viewer completely with the sphere.
Can you get that preference to stick? I press ‘p’, set the clipping plane, click ‘save preference as default’. I then close the viewer, open it back up again, the clipping plane setting is lost.
Either way, it seems like a bug to me. I shouldn’t have to set clipping planes on a viewer. Touch should know the size of the objects being viewed and correctly set the camera based on that object.