Virtual Camschnapper setup

So I have been trying for a while now to get a sort of virtual scene to test out ideas with camschnapper and previsualize the results without having to be by a projector

I have gotten fairly close but am still unable to figure out how to get the camschnapper calibration window to the projectormap of my projection light…

I’ve hunted and pecked around the camschnapper component but it is just escaping me :open_mouth:

any hints would be MASSIVELY appreciated

is there a glsl shader that could take the output of the window component and turn it into a texture :question: :unamused:

Camschnapper applies the result of its calculations to a specific camera. You need to take that camera and use it to output your scene (or at least, all the parameters of that camera).

Look at the Camschnapper example and you’ll see the camera. Take a render that is set to your output and use the camera on it.
