I did this to give myself a deadline to get my act together. It is a submission to the Eye Candy For Strangers call for videos on Vimeo. It is also my first combination of pieces I have been working on as a ‘port’ from my old work in Processing for my synaesthetic collaboration, [namethemachine].
It’s pretty much a bunch of lines and dots arranged into three groups with a few compositing effects. Some control has been keyframed, while much is knob twiddled on the fly. Many thanks to lots of people on the forum, as I’ve been asking lots of GLSL questions to get this working! Hope you enjoy, feedback is welcome! More to come at some point as it gets more fluid and music gets folded in…
I did it all in one go with my midi controller and directly to disk using the plastikman kit movieout component (now the built in one works great). The first part is more keyframed, and then it gets a little more hectic with the manual controls. I had the keyframing do the bigger shifts and transitions and then added ‘flare’ and action with the manual controls. My system wasn’t keeping up a full frame rate when recording to disk, so I had to slow down and smooth my control movements a bit. Took a number of takes and was very innefficient!
Now I’ve got a few “black art” recording components built (still pretty rough) so I can just do ‘takes’ with different control channel recordings and pick which is best to record to disk. Big time and disk space saver for sure!