Voodoo Camera Tracker

Voodoo allows you to auto track a single tracking shot a camera path for a video clip/image sequence.
I used an images sequence from a video file.
Voodoo allows the following save options:
-3dmax script
-blender python script
-lightwave 3d
-maya script
-softimage 3d/xsi
What to choose? If any of these options can be imported, how to import?
Then only thing that will drag into TD is the text file. It gives me Cx Cy Cz Ax Ay Az Hx Hy Hz Vx Vy Vz K3 K5 sx sy Width Height ppx ppy f fov H0x H0y H0z V0x V0y V0z…
Update when more work is done.
voodooTracker.35.toe (451 KB)

Open the maxscript in 3DSMax or via maya and export out an FBX. FBX support is pretty neat in TD. I use pixelfarm to track instead to export fbx out natively. You could just use a trial to test it works for you. You would have to write an interpreter for the txt file to work.

You distilled all 28 channels it provides in a 4-second CHOP with some simple DAT processing, so that’s good. You can use a Lookup CHOP to get one frame of that data, then export some channels to cam1. You need to choose then what channels to use. camera position is Cx, Cy, Cz exporting to Translate, and you have fov to FOV Angle, but I don’t know off-hand how to formulate the rotations into either Euler angles (rx ry rz parameters) or a transform matrix, which you can inject on the Pre-Xform page of parameters.