Wait for a signal

Hey there, completely new to Touch, wondering if you could help me out.

Picture the scene. I have 6 videos set up to a Switch TOP, and a Constant/Speed CHOP system set up to crossfade between them at the touch of a Button COMP. Is there any way to make the operation WAIT at the integer values (in the Switch - i.e. wait at 1, 2, 3) until the button is pressed again? So it would go something like:

Switch index: 0… button pressSpeed CHOP slowly counts to 1 and stops indefinitelybutton is pressed againSpeed CHOP counts from 1 to 2 and stops

And so on and so forth?


Hey there,

I added an example below. You’ll see two sets of operators.

On the left, it looks a little more complex than sending everything to a Switch TOP, but the benefit is you can easily jump between whichever movies you like. You also won’t encounter the issue of having to pass through all other movies when you loop back to the first movie (you’ll see what I mean if you hit the button on the right side enough).

On the right is, from what I understood, what you’re trying to build. If you don’t intend on looping or changing order of videos at all, feel free to use that.

The basic idea is that every button hit on the right triggers a Count CHOP up 1 value. The Count is set to loop every 5 counts (it’s 6 if you include 0). That number is then set to a Filter CHOP set to Left Half Box, and your filter width parameter being how long of a fade you get. Then that value is exported from a null into the Switch TOPs index.

On the left you have just an expanded version of that. So you take the value from a Radio group, and use a Fan CHOP to get a separate channel per value (which is what we want since we’re controlling several different Level TOPs). We use a Filter in the same way as on the right side, then export each channel from a null into each of the corresponding Level TOPs opacity. That way you can jump between whatever movie you like, in any random order, easily and smoothly.

filter example.5.toe (8.31 KB)

Yep, that is absolutely perfect, thank you elburz. While the setup on the left is not what I had in mind this may prove useful for another aspect of this project. Thank you!

No worries.