WARNING: Do Not install latest Kinect V2 Drivers!!

Hi All,

Installed he latest version of the Kinect V2 SDK drivers and there seems to be some nasty bug with the USB interface. The Kinect will run for 10 - 15 seconds, freeze up and disconnect, then reconnect, then repeat.

I have been working on a project for the past couple month on and off using the previous drivers and have not come across this issue until this afternoon. Have completely removed all Kinect and TD related bits from my PC and re installed and same problem persists.

If anybody has a copy of the previous Kinect SDK version floating around and would like to post up for download it would be super useful as it appears Microsoft no longer provides access to them.

If anybody wants to shine some light on my situation that would be wonderful!




This is the 1409 release correct? We’ve been using it for a while without issue. Something else may be happening here.

My usb 3.0 pci card stopped working with the new Kinect SDK. I suspect the bandwith requirements for the new features tipped the scale for many usb interfaces.

Maybe read this:

social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums … inectv2sdk

Indeed it seems to be the 1409 release that has the issue.

Hmm… So does anybody know where to find the older version? Until I purchase a new laptop (which is not going to be happening in the near future as mine is still relatively new), or Microsoft finds a way to fix the issue, I would rather use what works :confused:

For anybody that comes across this issue - here is a link to a download of version 1408 soft82.com/get/download/windows/kinect-sdk/

also running 1409 wo issue

I have a feeling jamesbass was right about this one.