Hello, I would like to ask something that may be very simple but I can’t find a way to solve it. I’m using a Top webrender with the audiochopcapture path to the Audio Web Render Chops parameter and would like to connect it to an audio device. Is this possible? What should the audio flow be like?
you would connect the output of the Audio Webrender CHOP to a Audio Device Out CHOP.
In you case though it looks like there is no audio coming from the website?
Just quickly looking at the blitzortung website it looks like the sound has to be turned on first - to do this you need to interact with the website easiest done by using the webBrowser component from the Palette>Tools>webBrowser.
Thanks for your response and for taking the time to look into this.
As you mentioned, it seems like there’s no audio coming from the website. I’ll try enabling the sound directly from the site using the webBrowser component from Palette > Tools > webBrowser, as you suggested.