WebSocket DAT and socket.IO version

Can anyone tell me if the WebSocket DAT supports the latest version of socket.io?

I just upgraded my socket.io server and now my application is broken.

I am running build 25880 of TD 088.

My socket.io version is 1.2.1

We currently only support an initial version of socket.io, 0.9 I believe.


Any plan to upgrade the socket.io version?

I tried to connect touch to the simple chat example, but it doesn’t seem to work, I guess it’s because of the version difference?



Have you tried combining Socket.io with OSC-in rather than WebSocket? Check out this sample project: github.com/automata/osc-web

The web-browser client (github.com/automata/osc-web/blo … /bridge.js) which will then send an OSC-in message to the TouchDesigner OSC client. In TouchDesigner, the OSC-in should be on port 3334.

it’s 0.9.3 that is supported.

Please, add my vote for upgrade the WebSocket version! :slight_smile: