WebSocket DAT - Host not found & Connection refused

I have been attempting to use the WebSocket DAT on a fresh install of build 2023.10000 with an educational license.

I am running this on macOS 14.4.1.

I have had a hugely painful day of trying to make it work. I have enabled full disk access and developer tools for TD.

I finally resorted to running TD via Terminal, which revealed that as soon as I place the WebSocket DAT I get:

Host not found

This error is repeated every time I change the port number. If I set an explicit network address to either or, the Terminal error changes to:

Connection refused

At this point I’m lost for ideas and I’m wondering if it could be a bug with my current setup. Please do let me know if there are are any other TD builds I should try, or if there could be any other reason for this?

Without knowing what you are trying to connect to it is impossible to help.

Thanks for your reply. Initially I was using WebSocket DAT to connect to a Web Server DAT. I want to serve a website to connected clients which enables parameters to be adjusted in TD via web sockets.

After hitting a brick wall and going back to basic principles I established that there is no WebSocket port established at all in TD - so I am not connecting it with anything, I am just adding a WebSocket DAT to an otherwise empty canvas. I get the errors outlined in my initial post while running TD in Terminal. I resorted to this by establishing that I couldn’t see any web socket ports by running the bash command in Terminal:

lsof -i :80

or any other port specific in the WebSocket parameters pane.

Unless I’m missing something, I felt as though

Host not found and Connection refused appearing in Terminal in an empty project other than a WebSocket DAT is not expected messages?

Have you looked at examples and snippets? is ‘any’ and refers to what connections would be accepted. Localhost is used to connect from a machine to the same machine.

Btw I think you’ve assumed that the web server dat and web sockets should connect together and I don’t think that’s the case.

Edit - also are you looking at port 80? On a consumer OS you generally can’t listen/serve on ports lower than 1024, for security reasons. The convention is to use 8080 or similar.