What will it take to get derivative to make TD for linux?

Oww yes… +1
A version for Linux would be a dream come true

Would be amazing if they add Linux Support.
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+1 For native Linux support. It wouldn’t be a trivial port but it would certainly be an easier port than going from Windows to MacOS. With Linux being a Unix system like MacOS under the hood, some of the work was already done when they ported to MacOS.

I would buy TouchDesigner (upgrade from my non-commercial license) if there was a Linux version. Right now, it’s not worth it for me and TouchDesigner can’t be my main tool because it isn’t on Linux.

+1. Please! Game changer!


+100500! Linux надо!

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+1 Would be great to have it in Linux. The only app that keeps me in Windows.

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+1 From me. Moved to PC from Mac because of TD and wanting to free myself of Apple hardware. From what I’ve heard of my friends that work at Microsoft, they are pushing cloud and online integration so hard that it is becoming quite difficult to get the enterprise versions of Windows 10 to diminish the amount of internet connections/updates happening on mission critical servers… making me definitely want to move to Linux + all the wonderful points made above.

+1 Linux! I work more and more on AI projects based on linux, it would be great to have TD on the same machine.

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I’d love a Linux version! For my uses, I’d be totally satisfied with a Linux version of the Player only:

My main development machine is a large desktop (Mac OS) - and happy to keep that. But out at a venue, what I want to bring is a smaller, purpose built, Linux box for running the graphics. For this, I only need TD Player.

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+1 Linux version would mean I don’t have to change between OS to work on multiple projects.

+1 Any traction on this?

+1 here too, you are doing great job but sometimes, it is important to work on another plateforme

Another time, I prefer another task for the Derivative team rather than working on Linux. Wich Linux? Debian? Fedora? Ubuntu… Which graphic card with up to date driver? How to manage the sound?
At the moment I follow the story of daVinci Resolve on Linux with the suppression of CentOs, not a rose pathway.
I think Linux is perfectly adapted for big systems, like in hard science, networking, banking etc. But not for an application as TD. What is avalaible around it for sound (Ardour is not really convincing), video (apart daVinci, there is a desert), still image (Gimp…). Kinect input? RealSense input? Wacom drivers?
Linux -1


+1000 just booted up a new distro on an old computer and was thinking about all the programs i need to install and was checking to see if td had a linux installation and found this thread. I 100% agree, not just because i love linux, but considering a big use case for TD is to run a patch on a system that should be up and running 24/7 for a long time, linux really is the perfect environment for it. you could very easily set up a very minimal linux box for only running TD and have it ‘just work’ for a long time.


+1 for Linux support, I would be a new subscription customer if it did.

I’m a developer with Linux as main OS because it’s POSIX compatible, great for what I do, and I prefer not to be locked into Apple ecosystem.

I really love the idea of server/CLI-control as well. This could be extremely potent for crowd-controlled installations.

Definitely understandable how there would be challenges for graphics rendering among other things.

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I’ve switched over to using Linux full-time, TouchDesigner and Adobe CC being the only apps that keeps me tied to Windows install.

+1 Linux support would be awesome!

A version for Linux would be a dream come true

+1 Would love Linux support!

Already using Blender and DaVinci on ubuntu, why not TD too?