Where is Custom Parameter's Clone Immune Property

Hi guys,

I am trying to find the cloneImmune property of a custom parameter. I am trying to prevent a custom parameter’s clamp properties from propagating to the clones. According to the Custom Parameter page on Wiki, it said
"This feature can be turned off by setting a custom parameter’s cloneImmune property to True. "

But I can’t find this property anywhere. I checked td.Par’s documentation, the custom parameters editing page, and even tried referencing it directly from the textport, but nothing came up.

Can somebody please point me to what the documentation is referring to?

Thank you.

This property has been renamed “styleCloneImmune”. Wiki updated, thanks!

Currently you can only set it in code.


Thank you Ivan!

Ivan, funny enough. After I used this option, things had gone crazy. Please see my bug report under Bugs. :smiley: