Where is the folder with My Components?

I am trying to locate the folder with my components, on Windows 10, on a machine running TD 2021.14360.

I just bought a new laptop, I have installed the latest TD version and would love to move some of my components to the new machine.

I have found the Derivative components in Program Files > Derivative > TD > Samples > Palette, but I am having trouble finding the components I’ve created.
Explorer search function didn’t help either for some reason (?)

Thanks for your help!

Hi @FaustoB,

the folder should be located at C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\Derivative\Palette


Thanks Markus!

Just in case this is helpful for anyone in a similar situation, after you copied your components to the Documents/Derivative/Palette, in TD you have to right click on “my Components” and hit “Refresh Folder”