Where to start for a look at TUIK?

I find old and confusing info on the site, I’d like to make sure I look at the right pages, to learn more about the current TUIK.

I.e. I know the BasePanel is required first, but can’t find it in the menus. Is there a simple up to date tutorial on how to build a simple interface using the toolkit?

Also, are there pointers in terms of how to customize it so that it doesn’t break at the next release? My basic objection to the toolkit has been that it’s hard to use without changing it, which means it’s frozen in time I guess, unless it’s cloned in which case changes should come in the form of parameters or inputs but last I looked they didn’t.

So I’d like to evaluate TUIK to see if I can build customizable interfaces in a way that will not become obsolete at some random release in the future.


Hi Dani,

good place to start would be the wiki page at derivative.ca/wiki/index.php?title=TUIK

The information here is fairly up to date and will be updated with the next version of TUIK.

A good starting point would be looking at components in the palette which come with UI panels namely the once in the Video>Filter section.

In the process of changing the way we build panels, from nested to hirachical, we removed the “basepanel” as now all TUIK gadgets can be placed individually and don’t need some parent container as the “basepanel” was.

Customization can be done via the define tables inside each gadget. We sometimes add new settings to these define tables but try to keep the older versions workingas much as we can. This is done via the define table being clone immune and overriding a non immune define table inside the “local” container in each gadget. So for example with an update of TUIK a new setting would appear in yourgadget/local/define_defaults but all the custom settings by you done in yourgadget/define stay intact.

In case TUIK gadgets get retired, they will still stay in the library but disappear from the Palette.

Hope that helps

why is the emptypanel define table not set to clone immune?

I can’t change it?