Which motion sensor can I use for an interactive installation, or which webcam is particularly suitable?

Hello everyone,
I am planning an interactive installation for a photographer who wants to showcase his images. Using a projector, photos will be projected onto a wall, and as soon as someone walks by, the image at that specific spot should change. My question is: Which motion sensor can I use for this, or which webcam is particularly suitable? Do I need to consider anything specific to ensure compatibility with TouchDesigner?

Hi @Workinteractive,

perhaps the simplest sensor that comes to mind would be a range sensor for Arduino. As an example the VL53L0X has a 2meter range and in general Arduinos are lightweight, easy to use platforms that are simple to connect to TouchDesigner. Also there is not much processing power needed and no real latency to speak of…

There are all kinds of sensors that also cover longer ranges but I guess for a public installation the question would be what is the most practical. Surely you could use mediapipe, but will it detect too many people? Also other camera based solutions might just introduce extra latency and false positives…
