Widget right-click scripting


Is it possible to have widget (slider) run a script on right click? I used to have right click make a slider revert to default value and i seem to miss having that possibility but i don’t want to go inside the widget (we shouldn’t need to?). I can’t see the right click with infoCHOP either so i could have chop execute outside the widget.

Cheers, Marko

This is a bit obscure with basic widgets, but the solution is to use a panelexecDAT outside the widget looking at Panel Value rselect.

To detect clicks on the slider area only, put this in the panels parameter of the DAT

op(‘path to the widget’).par.Slider0.eval()

If you want rmb anywhere on the widget, put this in the panels parameter of the DAT:

op(‘path to the widget/code/panelexec1’).par.panels.eval()

Thank you for the reply! This works just great. I appreciate the help!

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