Wii Remote Plus - connection debugging

I am trying to connect a “Wii Remote Plus” to my Windows 8 laptop. It will sync via bluetooth (default Microsoft stack), but I don’t seem to be able to receive any information, either via Joystick CHOP or GlovePIE.

My bluetooth device registers as “Nintendo RVL-CNT-01-TR” and the 4 LEDs continually flash.

The Joystick CHOP sees the device, and doesn’t give any errors, but none of the channel values update or change when I use the wiimote.

GlovePIE says FALSE for Wiimote.Exists, Wiimote1.Exists or any variants. I’m guessing maybe GlovePIE doesn’t work with the -TR revision? Anybody get one working?

I did manage to get GlovePIE working with limited support at least. There is a custom exe build here: [url]http://glovepie.org/blog/2012/01/03/wii-remote-plus/[/url]

This actually works really well, much nicer response than my phone and more comfortable grip. It takes a minute or two before the accelerometer and gyros come online so be patient. Here is a modified GlovePIE script … I had some issues with the Smooth Pitch and Smooth Roll and it worked better to remove them.

I am using GlovePIE 0.45 with the separate, “0.46” exe fix. I also installed the toshiba bluetooth stack, although I don’t know if that is a requirement.

var.host = “localhost”
var.oscPort = 9500

// Set keys to wiimote
var.up = 0
var.down = 0
var.left = 0
var.right = 0
var.a = 0
var.b = 0
var.one = 0
var.two = 0
var.home = 0
var.minus = 0
var.plus = 0

//check if the buttons are a hit
if Wiimote.Up or Wiimote.Classic.Up then
var.up = 1
if Wiimote.Down or Wiimote.Classic.Down then
var.down = 1
if Wiimote.Left or Wiimote.Classic.Left then
var.left = 1
if Wiimote.Right or Wiimote.Classic.Right then
var.right = 1
if Wiimote.A or Wiimote.Classic.a then
var.a = 1
if Wiimote.B or Wiimote.Classic.b then
var.b = 1
if Wiimote.One then
var.one = 1
if Wiimote.Two then
var.two = 1
if Wiimote.Home or Wiimote.Classic.Home then
var.home = 1
if Wiimote.Minus or Wiimote.Classic.Minus then
var.minus = 1
if Wiimote.Plus or Wiimote.Classic.Plus then
var.plus = 1

//again, we can map more variables if we have other Wii expansions
//just use the same format as above.
var.c = Wiimote.Nunchuk.CButton
var.z = Wiimote.Nunchuk.ZButton or Wiimote.Classic.ZL or Wiimote.Classic.ZR
var.x = Wiimote.Classic.x
var.y = Wiimote.Classic.y
var.l = Wiimote.Classic.L
var.r = Wiimote.Classic.R

// Set PPJoy Virtual Joystick to nunchuk joystick (if u ever need it)
PPJoy.Analog0 = Wiimote.Nunchuk.JoyX
PPJoy.Analog1 = Wiimote.Nunchuk.JoyY

// Rumble when shift is pressed
//Wiimote.Rumble = Shift

if Wiimote.Exists then
Wiimote.Led1 = false
Wiimote.Led2 = true
Wiimote.Led3 = false
Wiimote.Led4 = false

// Check expansion
if Wiimote.HasNunchuk then
var.expansion = Wiimote.Nunchuk.JoyX+‘,’+Wiimote.Nunchuk.JoyY+’ NC.Force=‘+Wiimote.Nunchuk.gx+’,‘+Wiimote.Nunchuk.gy+’,'+Wiimote.Nunchuk.gz
else if Wiimote.HasClassic then
var.expansion = ‘CL: ‘+Wiimote.Classic.RawJoy1X+’,’+Wiimote.Classic.RawJoy1Y
var.expansion = ‘None’
end if

// Show Wiimote forces on glovepie debug bar, no expansion involve.
debug = ‘Bat=’+Wiimote.Battery+‘; Pitch=’+RemoveUnits(Wiimote.SmoothPitch)+‘; Roll=’+RemoveUnits(Wiimote.SmoothRoll)+‘; RelAcc XYZ=’+Wiimote.RelAccX+‘, ‘+Wiimote.RelAccY+’, ‘+Wiimote.RelAccZ+’; Variables =’+var.up+’ ‘+var.down+’ ‘+var.left+’ ‘+var.right+’ ‘+var.one+’ ‘+var.two+’ ‘+var.home+’ ‘+var.plus+’ ‘+var.minus+’ ‘+var.a+’ '+var.b

//Sendout OSC
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Rel-Acc”, float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.RelAccX)), float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.RelAccY)), float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.RelAccZ)))
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Pitch”, float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.Pitch)))
//SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Smooth Pitch”, float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.SmoothPitch)))
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Roll”, float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.Roll)))
//SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Smooth Roll”, float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.SmoothRoll)))
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “G”, float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.g)), float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.gx)), float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.gy)), float(RemoveUnits(Wiimote.gz)))
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Up”, var.up)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Down”, var.down)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Left”, var.left)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Right”, var.right)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “A”, var.a)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “B”, var.b)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “One”, var.one)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Two”, var.two)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Home”, var.home)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Minus”, var.minus)
SendOsc(var.host, var.oscPort, “Plus”, var.plus)[/code]