It’s probably a yes, but just want to be sure before I buy and can’t test… how can I know for sure??
Laptop has 8 GB RAM and intel core i5 4210U CPU.
I want to make real time visualisations of music for personal use, to start off with, with laptop plugged into my electric piano.
I’m not an advanced programmer don’t really want to have to change basic configuration of laptop if possible want to put the time into learning touch.
Any advice very appreciated.
October 23, 2014, 1:00am
it will work for sure. When you get it go straight to nvidias website, manually download the correct driver and select advanced to do a “clean installation”.
Thanks for that!
Would you say that the laptop is well resourced for TD? or will it limit my options to try other things in the area of RT visualisation of other input types?
Its an ASUS with 8 GB RAM and intel core i5 4210U CPU
October 23, 2014, 7:39am
840 is not bad. Will get you going somewhere for sure.
Which Asus model exactly, where are you located, and what’s your budget?
I’ve seen some pretty great laptop deals on Newegg lately, but depends on your budget and where you are located.
Hi, Ok have one more question, much appreciated!
would the above laptop be better for touch, OR
HP Envy,
AMD Elite A10 5750m CPU,
AMD Radeon HD 8650M?
I saw a comment on game=debate saying that the CPU could limit the behaviour of GPUs which seemed lower spec that the 8650M…
Don’t know enough to work that out for sure…
Im in Ireland btw so we really have to pay for good computers…
November 10, 2014, 5:43pm
You can use cpubenchmark.net to compare CPUs.
This list below has the CPUs you are interested in.
cpubenchmark.net/cpu_lookup … PU&id=1920