Window Perform closes when laptop is closed

I have a laptop hooked up to a projector. my Window OP spits out the perform window on monitor 1 (the projector). Once the project is running I close the laptop to store behind a display case. However, when I close the laptop touchdesigner immediately closes the Perform window and goes back to displaying the open touchdesigner project. How can I keep the perform window open when laptop is closed.

I’m running Windows 10

After more testing it looks like this can only be achieved by running toe in “Perform Window” mode or by changing the monitor on which the performance is running to “primary monitor”. Unfortunately, I haven’t found an option that allows me to run the toe in a Separate Window AND close the laptop lid without the performance exiting to the project.

Use the Monitors DAT to dynamically open and close Window Comps or move your Window Comps around when things change.

Hi, I have the same problem. Did you ever resolved this?
regards Albert

@AlbertAarts Changing the settings so Window COMP is on Primary Monitor should do it.

Could you give specifics of what you are trying to do and where it isn’t behaving for you? I just tested 2022.31030 and can open in Perform Mode, then if I close the laptop it still stays in Perform Mode as intended.

Note your system specs and TouchDesigner version so we can try to reproduce your setup.

The problem is solved. The settings were wrong. I selected ‘Open as Separate Window’
Thanks a lot for your response

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I’m trying to make an interactive application with a Kinectv2 and have different output to two projectors. With only one It works and stays in perform mode when laptop is closed. But with two projectors I followed your instructions to make a Container Comp with a width equals the sum of the two projectors widths and in the Window Com selected ‘bound of all monitors’. I discovered that the display of the laptop is included, so I made a third image to be displayed on the laptop and expanded the width of the overal container with the laptop-display-width. Now in Perform Mode it works, but when closing the laptop all the three images came on one projector. What do I do wrong?
I’m using TD 2022.31030 on a Lenovo laptop legion 5 Pro 16ITH6H running Win11.

Hope you can help me out
regards Albert

If your final window only requires the 2 projector displays (since closing the laptop turns off the built-in monitor) the Window COMP canvas should be only the size of the 2 projectors, so it covers both of them.

What I think could be happening is your built-in laptop screen is left most, ie monitor0, and when you close the laptop it shifts everything since by default things line up with the left size of bounds/windows.

What you can do to avoid the window being shifted when your display config changes is use the Window COMP’s ‘Justify Horizontal’ and push the 2-projector-canvas all to the right, so they are aligned with the far edge of the rightmost projector and only covering the projectors. This way anything happening to the left side when built-in monitor disappears won’t effect the output position.

Let me know if that makes sense.

@ben yes that helped, but I don’t understand what’s happening. In Perform Mode with the laptop open the images are horizontal lined up, but vertical reduced. When I close the laptop the images are full screen. I suppose in the first case the resolution is equal the laptop display. When then open. the laptop again, both images are on one projector. I really don’t understand what’s happening :grimacing:

If you are still having problems if you can draw out your display configuration that would help me understand your layout.