- Col/Cols/Row/Rows returns a tableRow/tableCol object which allows for access via the headernames and index.
for row in op("table1").rows():
row["id"].val = "Foo"
row[1].val = "Bar
- A way of sorting a table via python. Right now I have to run this mouthfull of a script.
sortedData = sorted(
[[cell.val for cell in row] for row in op("table1").rows()[1:]], key = lambda row: float(row[0])
op("table1").clear(keepFirstRow = True)
op("table1").appendRows( sortedData )
- A native way of converting a table to a list of dict (and even if it is via TDF-Module)
Hi @alphamoonbase
thanks for the suggestions, added those as RFEs.