wobbly timing and midi ...

Hi all, I’ve been trying to make a MIDI sequencer in Touch.

my goal is to revive and improve my old project, the Music Table that we made at ATR.


attached is my first test .toe to see if the clock can cope with some geometry and CHOPs action going on.

After opening the file, open the control panel, /project1
drag on the puck in the center of the field and it will reveal others.
drag each one out until the midi starts playing. (oh, you’ll need to set your midi mapper to the software midi synth in XP if it’s not there already)
now drag them so they make a line across the field
when I do it, the timing is not precise.
I have not tried sending an external midi clock yet, but I guess there’s a problem with touch’s clock, or I’ve stuffed up some basic thing (wishing for the latter of course!)

any clues as to how to get the clock tighter?

there are a few script tricks to stop some of the chops from cooking when not used - may be useful for someone with optimization troubles with lots of rogue chops.

best wishes,
t077_build1413_MIDI Clock Problem.toe (18.2 KB)

um… anyone had time to take a look at this one?

currently I’m sending the data to PD (Pure Data, a open source Max-like environmnt) puredata.info/

Touch sends OSC nicely to PD by the way.

but it would be great if touch could do tight midi on its own.


Hi Rodney.
Im taking a look now.
No obvious answers, but I have made some observations:

-There are no ty9 or ty10 channels, causing the ‘note’ evaluation in make_note9/playnote produce an error. n (same with make_note10).
-We are re-examining how we setup Midi. This shouldn’t affect the performance in this case, but something to keep in mind when updating
to new builds.
-Sounds pretty steady on my setup (even on a slightly sluggish debug build). Ive lined up all the pucks and I cant discern any inaccuracy in the timing
of the notes played. Is the sluggishness caused further down the line?
-Seem to be lots of similar looking networks, and I see you use cloning. Any chance you could reduce your makenote* networks into one and just passing more arguments to the scripts?

Thats all I can think of for now, hope that helps.


Thanks Rob,

I’m take alook and see if I can improve it.

I will ditch the pucks and use the augmented reality stuff to track real blocks on the tabletop with a camera soon.

I think I’ll stick with PD to do the MIDI until I figure out the problem.

but for you the timing is tight? hmm … maybe time for a windows reinstall anyway. Maybe there’s something amiss on my machine which should be plenty fast enough (dell m6300 with X7900 ‘3.5Gb’ RAM and nvidia Quadro FX 1600m)
