Hello! I’m really new to touch designer, I have an idea of a new project, but before starting I want to make sure it’s feasible to make it with Touchdesigner.
Is it possible to use three touchscreens in TD, controlled by the same program?
These three screens should play one split video that would be synchronized between the screens.
Then, at the end of the video, I want to trigger a menu (using custom buttons), in which the user could choose a new video by clicking on one of the three screens (three video options).
The use of multiple touch screens is somewhat limited by windows 10. As far as I know, windows 10 doesn’t officially support using multiple touchscreen monitors simultaneously, but experiments (last conducted nov 2018) shows that it works when you have 1 window per touch screen monitor. So for 3 touchscreens, you’ll need to use 3 different Window COMP. If you have 1 window spanning all 3 monitors, only 1 of the touch screen monitors can be used at any time (i.e. if you are dragging on monitor 1, touching monitor 2 would have no effect, TD will not get any window events). If you only expect 1 touch screen to be used at any time, you can still run everything in 1 window.
We do recommend 1 window COMP as output because of performance issues due to vsync causing the windows to take turns updating. So the answer is yes, with the caveat of possible performance issues.