Working with Serial DAT - extracting data

I have serial data in the following format, as a continuous string in 1 row (delimited by periods)


How do I extract just the first and second values(ie 11 and 22 in the example)?

Ok have solved that much using a combination of elect and convert DATs

If you already have the string in a DAT and want to extract the first two values,
then convert (to table) with split cells at ‘.’ will work well.

question. if its continuously incoming, how do you determine what the start of the stream is?
are there any special characters (new lines, etc) delimiting pairs of data etc?


Good question!
not sure, but the fact that I have crashed twice may have something to do with the incoming data(from arduino)

Looks like the dump files sent are not related to the incoming data per se.

If you have access to the Arduino sketch, would be a good idea to terminate each chunk of data with a newline to avoid framing errors.
