ZED CHOP - How to choose World frame origin

Hi there,

I’m using the ZED Chop for body tracking purposes and was wondering if there is a way to choose a new world reference frame origin? Currently the body tracking tx,ty,tz coordinates are output with respect to a randomly assigned origin while chosing the ‘world reference frame’.

That would be super useful for creating 3D envrionments.

Thanks in advance!

You’d want to use a Transform CHOP to move transforms to a new reference frame, based on the relative transform before where the camera is and where in the real world you want the reference frame to be.

Thanks @malcolm ,

I’m trying to enable the ‘NEURAL’ depth sensing mode but TouchDesigner keeps crashing. Only works up to ‘ULTRA’ mode.
Any ideas where that comes from?

What is the setup for this machine like? Do you use the newer nvinfer*.dll files with the 1000 series GPU?
Can you post .dmp files?

This machine has a RTX 3090 GPU
I’m using TD version 2023.11764.38 you shared a couple weeks ago.
I use the nvinfer*.dll files of the SDK 4.1.2 that I copied into the C:/Program Files/Derivative/TouchDesigner/bin directory

Where can I find the .dmp files?

The dialog that pops up when it crashes should tell you where the .dmp files are getting created. Are you getting a dialog for that?

I’m not getting any dialog. TD just stops responding and I have for force quit.

In that case can you use the Task Manager to create a .dmp file? That’ll show us where the crash is occuring. The file will be large, so be sure to .zip it before sending us a link