I was following blob tracking effect tutorial by Dean Cheesman and stuck on moment of creating zoom blob effect [12:51]. When I’m copying geo1 and applying constatnt to it, it doesn’t show the white fill inside blobs in output as it should be.
I see that geo1 somehow getting hooked to geo2 while copying, but for some reason it’s not working in my case. I tried to redo the whole thing multiple times, also didn’t help.
Can you provide a link to the tutorial so we can understand the context of your question a bit better. Also, if you could upload a copy of your toe file that would be helpful.
Here’s the link with timestamp 12:51
I couldn’t put links to original post for some reason.
NewProject.119.toe (96.2 KB)
Hi there. Looks like your render top is only selecting the geo1 in geometry. You can change that to * instead.
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Oh my, such a silly mistake of mine. Thank you a lot for help.
Of course. Thanks for watching the tutorial!
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